Kennewick Housing Authority (KHA) promotes business opportunities through the following methods and is an equal-opportunity, affirmative-action organization that purchases services, goods, and supplies from financially responsible and responsive businesses and firm entities specializing in the areas of:
- Work Services
- Commodities, Goods & Supplies
- Professional & Consulting Services
- Construction
- Architectural & Engineering (A&E) Services
- Participating Landlord under KHA’s Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV Tenant) Program.
When doing business with KHA, all businesses and firms where applicable must comply with the following requirements:
- Be considered a responsible and responsive responder or proposer
- Business firm must be licensed, bonded
- Business provide current and appropriate certificate of insurance requirement, per KHA & HUD criteria
All work performed shall be done in accordance with applicable Federal, State, Local and KHA laws, regulations, codes and ordinances, and:
- Equal Employment Opportunity (Executive Order 11246).
- Davis-Bacon Act (DBA), HUD Determined Wage Rates (or) HUD Determined Non-Routine Wages for appropriate work classifications
- Buy American Rule
- Section 3 Requirements (HUD Act of 1968, 24 CFR 135)
- Fair Housing Laws
- KHA Procurement Policies
RFQs / IFBs / RFPs
KHA’s Request for Qualifications (RFQ), Request For Proposals (RFP’s), Bid Process and Procurement: KHA welcomes interested parties for business opportunities. KHA promotes competition in contracting and provides safeguards for maintaining a procurement system of quality and integrity. KHA’s purchasing actions are in full compliance with KHA, HUD and other applicable federal, state and local standards and laws.
KHA’s Proposal and Bidding Opportunities will be posted here when issued.
Debt RFP Bubble on Gum – deadline January 15, 2025

KHA Small Works Roster
Small Works Roster will be used to solicit and secure telephone or written proposals for modernization and maintenance projects and operational supplies and services. All Vendors, Contractors, Suppliers, or other parties interested in being included on the Small Work Roster must:
- Submit a Letter of Interest to the Kennewick Housing Authority (KHA) Administration Office, Attention To: Executive Director, Located at: 1915 W. 4th Place Kennewick, Washington 99336.
- Letter of Interest “must” include the name of the firm or business, contact person, mailing and street address, telephone and fax number, Washington State Contractor Number, Federal Tax ID Number and a detailed description of the product, service, and/or types of work performed.
Small Work Roster requests will be utilized for a one (1) year period and publically re-advertised each KHA fiscal year. Housing Authority City of Kennewick (Kennewick Housing Authority – KHA) will accept additions to the Small Works Roster throughout its fiscal year and is an equal opportunity employer.
Conflict of Interests
Business or firms (contractor) who does not have any organizational conflict of interest which is defined as a situation in which the nature of work under a Contract Agreement and a business or firm (contractor’s) organization, financial, contractual or other interests.
Additional conflict of interests is defined in the following items:
- In accordance to RCW 35.82.050 – Conflict of Interest for Commissioners, Employees and Appointments – Subsection 2 states “No Commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision making body for the Housing Authority shall act in an official capacity in any manner in which such Commissioner, employee, or appointee to any decision making body of the Housing Authority had direct or indirect financial or personal involvement.”
- HUD General Conditions for Construction Contracts – Public Housing Programs (HUD-5370 Form, Section 42), HUD General Conditions for Non-Construction Contracts, With or Without Maintenance Work (HUD-5370-C Form, Section 14) and HUD General Contract Conditions for Small Construction/Development Contracts (HUD-5370-EZ Form, Section 1) regarding Interest of Members, Officers, or Employees and Former Members, Officers, or Employees states “No member, officer, or employee of the HA (Housing Authority), no member of the governing body of the locality in which the project is situated, no member of the governing body in which the HA was activated, and no other public official of such locality or localities who exercises any functions or responsibilities with respect to the project, shall during his or her tenure, or for one (1) year thereafter, have any interest, direct or indirect, in the contract or the proceeds thereof”.
- HUD Housing Assistance Payment Contact (HAP Contract) – Section 8 Tenant-Based Assistance Housing Choice Voucher Program (HUD-52641Form, legal document executed between Section 8 Landlord & Housing Authority) [and] HUD Housing Choice Voucher Program Guidebook, Chapter #11 – Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract – Subsection 11.2, Conflict of Interests, states in Section 13 – Conflict of Interest; Subsection A – Covered Individual; Subsection (1) – “Any present or former member or officer of the PHA (except a PHA Commissioner who is a participant in the program)”; Subsection (2) – “Any employee of the PHA, or any contractor, sub-contractor or agent of the PHA who formulates policy or who influences decisions with respect to the program”; Subsection B – “A covered individual may not have any direct or indirect interest in the HAP Contract or in any benefits or payments under the Contract (including the interest of immediate family member of such covered individual) while such person is a covered individual or during one (1) year thereafter”.
Section 3
Work to be performed on appropriate KHA projects and under an executed Contract Agreement between a vendor, business, firm and KHA are funded in whole or in part under a program providing financial assistance and subject to the requirements of Section 3 of the U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Act of 1968, as amended, 12 U.S.C. 1701u (Section 3), 24 CFR 135. Purpose of Section 3 is to ensure that employment and other economic opportunities generated by HUD assistance or HUD-assisted projects covered by Section 3, shall, to the greatest extent feasible, be directed to low- and very low-income persons, particularly persons who are recipients of HUD assistance for housing. Emphasis should be placed on hiring/employing businesses owned by women, minorities, and low-income business owners and residents.
Section 3 boundaries for KHA shall consist of the city limits of the Cities of Kennewick, Richland and Pasco in Benton County, Washington.
Buy American Rule
All materials and products used for appropriate projects will be of U.S. manufacture where materials and products are reasonably in accordance to HUD regulations.