Mission Statement
KHA’s mission is to develop and maintain safe, affordable, quality housing that promotes healthy neighborhoods and inspires communities. Create partnership opportunities that support and encourage program participants to become self-sufficient. Manage all assets with fiscal responsibility & integrity.
Board of Commissioners
Kennewick Housing Authority (KHA) Board of Commissioners consist of five Commissioners appointed by the City Mayor for a five-year term and a maximum of fifteen consecutive years of service on the Board and one Resident Directly Assisted Commissioner. The Board of Commissioners oversees the Kennewick Housing Authority and is responsible for establishing KHA’s annual budgets, annual agency plan and 5-year plans and policy.
Colin Bates
Board Chair
Darin Foster
Vice Chair
Tom Moak
Reanette Fillmer
Lynn Houston
Board Meetings
Board of Commissioners regular meetings are normally held on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:45 AM. The annual meeting is held on the fourth Wednesday of April at 7:45 A.M.
Attend in Person; Board meetings are held at the Kennewick Housing Authority (KHA) administration office/community center located at 1915 W. 4th Place, Kennewick, WA 99336. The facility is fully accessible and meetings are open to the general public. KHA Board of Commissioners Meetings are governed by Robert’s Rules of Order and the Open Public Meeting Act.
Attend via Go to Meeting or you can also dial in using your phone. 1 (646) 749-3112 Access Code: 253-014-845
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Matt Truman, Executive Director
(509) 586-8576, Ext. 103
- Oversees the day-to-day operations of the Housing Authority and implements policies and programs established by the Board.
Hermelinda Sierra, Deputy Director
(509) 586-8576, Ext. 111
- Oversees the agency’s accounting and finance department.
Amanda Taylor, HCV Supervisor/Compliance Director
(509) 586-8576, Ext. 108
- Leads and oversees the agency’s HCV housing programs and overall agency compliance.
- Leads and oversees the agency’s public housing developments and all authority-owned properties.
Armando Solis, Maintenance, Capital Fund Program (CFP) and Development Director
(509) 586-8576, Ext. 115
- Leads and oversees the agency’s maintenance and public housing developments, Capital Fund Program (CFP), all authority-owned properties and development project activities.
Our partners in providing affordable housing in the City of Kennewick and Benton County:
Kennewick Housing Authority (KHA) provides long-term subsidized rental assistance to approximately 1,313 eligible households who are extremely low to low incomes throughout its operational jurisdiction in the Cities of Kennewick and Richland, Benton County, Washington.
KHA does not provide temporary shelter or emergency housing.
Future Plans
KHA continues to seek opportunities to further affordable housing in the Tri-Cities area to meet the needs of our clients today and in the years to come.
Public Records Request
Submitting a Request
A party wishing to make a request for public records should obtain a Request for Public Records form from KHA. This form should be filled out and submitted to the Public Records Officer of KHA.
Requests to inspect or copy public records maintained by KHA must be in writing, however if an individual refuses to complete the form provided by KHA, access will still be provided and the form will be filled out by KHA staff in order to document the access.
Within five (5) KHA business days of receiving a public record request KHA will respond by either
- Providing the record;
- Acknowledging KHA has received the request and providing a reasonable estimated time required to respond to the request or
- Denying the request.
See the Public Records Policy & Request form on the Forms page.